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Susanna Rasmussen

Online Grief and Loss Counselling

  • Susanna Rasmussen

Change. How do we really change?

Not just change our jobs, our locations, our spouses... but deep, internal, meaningful, lasting change.

How do we do that?

When Nick Ortner wrote the New York Times best-selling book The Tapping Solution, he did it because Tapping didn’t just help him change—it took away his physical pain, gave him enduring success and changed his relationships for the better.

In short, Tapping gave Nick real, measurable, significant change.

In the last few videos, you’ve learned how Dr Mark Hyman, Dr Christiane Northrup, Cheryl Richardson, Dr Lissa Rankin and more have used Tapping to overcome stress, end chronic, debilitating fears and even rewire their brains to think younger. If you missed any of the videos, you could see them by clicking here.

If you are stressed out, overwhelmed or struggling on a daily basis with finances, work, health or your relationships, or if you want a way to make your life better, more enjoyable, or just plain easier, I want to share with you what is probably the most transformational free online event out there.

It teaches one of the most effective techniques for creating real, lasting change: EFT—otherwise known as Tapping. It’s the 10th Annual Tapping World Summit!

Over the course of 25 free presentations, you will:

1 Learn how to reduce or overcome patterns of negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger and sadness.

2 Clear limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.

3 Clear childhood traumas that are still locked in your energy field.

4 Leave this event better than when you started it.

Over 2 million people have attended this online event over the last nine years, and the consensus is clear: For its attendees, it delivers real results.

If you are ready to join the hundreds of thousands of people who’ve found relief in their life from The Tapping Solution, one way or another, the Tapping World Summit is for you!

If you are serious about change and want simple, replicable, take-them-with-you tools to create it, this event is a can’t miss. You want to bookmark it, make a little room in your schedule, and catch the whole thing. I promise, it’s worth it.

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